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Best Material For Gears



Ever wonder what materials we use to manufacture planetary gears?

If so, I have your answer. It’s three different materials: plastic, sintered metal, and stainless steel. 

However, if you’re asking which one is the best, I’m sorry to report I don’t have an answer. That’s because it depends on what applications you’ll use it for and your torque, RPM, and life expectancy requirements. 

At Matex, we manufacture gears used in some of the most challenging environments on this planet. And (although we can't say too much about it) environments that are not even on this planet. 

I’m talking about outer space. 

Of course, if we can make gears tough enough to survive the rigors of off-world travel, we can certainly build something to meet your needs. If you think you have an application so unique that it necessitates making a brand-new gear type, give us a call. 

We’ll see if we can do something for you.

And by the way, check out our new and improved website. You’ll find a ton of features that’ll make it easy to find the solution you need to make your applications run like clockwork.  

To learn more, fill out the form below or call us at 216-228-9911.

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Choose the Right Gear with Matex Gears' Ratio Calculator

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